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General Eel Care for those just starting with freshwater eels or those who forgot how:

Spiny Eels:
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Length: Various lengths, be prepared for the longest possible if species is unknown
Diet: Carnivorous- prefers worms, some frozen foods, and live crustaceans. A definite fact is they prefer to be fed near or at night time. This is because this fish is mostly nocturnal, but will venture around during the day.
Breeding: Extremely Difficult
Tank Size: 1-3 Spiny Eel: 55G Add about 10-20 Gallons for each additional eel. REMEMBER if u were in this fish's shoes, would you like your conditions??? Keep in mind...the 1 G rule doesnt are           3 DIMENSIONAL!
Varieties: Whitespot, Tiretrack, Fire, Peacock
Temp: 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit 
Ph: 6-8
Dh: 15
Slightly Brackish water
Substrate: Preferably Sand, but definitely some small substrate
Tank: Need some good hiding spots besides under the substrate, such as PVC piping, smooth rocks, wood, and some plants that are close together are nice to have and add nice decor to the tank.
Tank Mate: nothing that will fit in its mouth, remember their mouths can open a little. Nothing to aggressive like cichlids . Spiny eels seem to prefer the company of others of their kind.
 General Max Lengths of Spiny Eel Varieties:
Fire Eels: Around 40 inches
White Spot Eel: Around 30 inches                              All NEED Adequate
TireTrack Eel:  Around 30 inches                                   Room!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peacock Eel: Around 15 inches                          Extra Is ALWAYS  O.K.!!

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